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Website Personalizer


Growmatik’s Website Personalizer helps you show each visitor their own version of your website based on their stage, attributes and preferences.

In this article, you’ll learn how to:

Website Personalizer Tool

You can create and manage each website content customization in the Workshop > Personalizations page inside the Growmatik app.

Note: Modifying the page content through the Website Personalizer tool does not affect the original content of the page. The personalizer creates a copy of the page in the Growmatik dashboard and applies your changes only to that instance.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - tool

Creating a new personalization

In the Workshop page, choose Personalization from the sidebar menu. Click on the Create Personalization button and select a page you’d like to personalize. Once a page is selected from the menu, you’ll be taken to the Website Personalizer environment, where you can add, edit and hide content on your website as you like.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - create a new personalization

Selecting content on your website

Hover over different elements on the page to see the pink border around them.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - select content on your website

To select an element, simply click on it. The selected element will appear as selected with a thicker pink border.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik -

Note: The Website Personalizer follows the same wrapper structure as the original page. You may need to play around with the cursor to locate the wrapper that includes the element(s) you want to select.

Adding content to your website

1. Select an element on the page where you want to add content.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - adding content to website

2. Click on the add rule 1 icon to open the elements list, then select an element.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - select an element to add

Note: The following elements can be added to a personalized page:

  • Text 
  • Blog
  • Product
  • Button
  • Image
  • Video
  • Social

Removing content from your website

To remove an item from the page, select the item and click on the icon.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - remove content on your website

Note: As mentioned at the beginning of the article, modifying the page content through the Website Personalizer tool does not affect the original content of the page. After you’re done with your website content customization, the personalizer creates a copy of the page in the Growmatik dashboard and applies your changes only to that instance.

Editing existing text on your website

  1. In order to edit existing text on the page, first select it and then double click on it. You can also directly double click on the text to go to edit mode.
Website Personalizer - Growmatik - editing existing text on website

2. Once you are done editing the text, click on the confirm icon to approve the edits or click the decline icon to undo the changes.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik -

Note: While in editing mode, you won’t be able to edit any items other than the selected item on the page. You need to approve or cancel your changes before editing other content on the page.

Editing content added by the Website Personalizer tool

To edit the content or customize the appearance of an added element, click on it to select it, then click on the 1hlGN4jVtqZIT14IpStu67ZflmRCMUSUUvk s PAvCM9BG4kZd3sxB2wyPAZd 6eo6EyVCIwLfFPLYQynUobvTFSToOTkhj sjPZ1MvGpFbezwOkDrwgEJvI1wbD5vnI QzpE gX icon to open the element’s settings panel. You can also double click on an element to open its settings panel.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - edit content on website

Elements in the Website Personalizer tool

The following elements are available to be added to your personalized page:

  • Blog
  • Product
  • Button
  • Image
  • Video
  • Social
  • Text

The settings and customization options for each element are explained below:

Text element

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - elements - text

Use the Text element to insert texts to your personalized page. The following options are available for further customization:

  • Use bold and italic controls to apply bold or italic style. 
  • Use the color picker to change the text color.
  • Click on the link icon C8NHuSSAIX4FnopB 9oiBhAF4V xZx6x8q wmWS6xjmhALNfzPyq8lOkEBJUuV6r bB4CVuJJeqm6UmFwExLsDSM UjkNOUowC Ay7fFpTUKD00WJ ngoCr1hmhfGml5hTSleNNC to apply a hyperlink to the text.
  • Use the alignment options anQioyjk362IbWUUzq VoUnsjZWkuKPiFzwDzx2f7GgWYf7syIWxJJs36QXIBLS7Kj8sGC9XhYivsFEHj7c3h GCSCh Ji to align the text left, center or right.
  • You can personalize content with dynamic keywords in order to do that click on Dynamic Keywords to insert dynamic content inside the text. This dynamic keyword can be based on Personal details (such as first name), Shopping activity (such as total orders value) and Referral (such as UTM source).

Note: Dynamic keywords appear different for each user.

Note: The Daytime dynamic keyword will be replaced with a text according to the time of day:

  • From 00:00 until 11:59, the text will be Good morning.
  • From 12:00 until 16:59, the text will be Good afternoon.
  • From 17:00 until 23:59, the text will be Good evening.

Note: The UTM dynamic keywords will extract the UTM contents of a URL when a user enters your site. The UTM data will then be available throughout the session. For example, when a user enters your site through the following URL:, the word google will be stored as the utm_source throughout that user’s session. This means that, if you insert the utm_source dynamic keyword in any page through the Website Personalizer tool, the tag will be replaced with the word google. Of course, the text replacement will only occur if the personalization is associated with Growmatik automations rule.

Blog element

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - elements - blog

Use the Blog element to display your blog posts in a personalized page. The following options are available for further customization of the Blog element:

  • The types of blog loops are as follows:
    • Recent shows the most recent blog posts.
    • Related shows related blog posts according to each user’s post visits.
    • Popular shows the most popular blog posts on your site.
    • Posts by ID shows related blog posts according to the blog’s IDs.
    • Category shows related blog posts according to the blog’s categories.
  • Quantity sets the number of posts to display in the blog loop (up to 6).
  • Columns defines the number of columns (up to 3).
  • Image shows/hides the post’s image.
  • Button shows/hides the View Post button.
  • Title, Button sections customize the formatting and appearance of the title and View Post button.

Note: Related blog posts are dynamic content, meaning they appear differently for each individual user. Additionally, the content of this element appears as empty for users who have not visited any blog posts.

Product element

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - elements - products

Use the Product element to display products in a personalized page. The following options are available for further customization of the Product element:

  • The types of product loops are as follows:
    • Recent shows the most recent products.
    • Related shows products related to the user’s previous purchases. You can toggle between two options to show related products based on most recent purchases or on all purchases.
    • Popular shows the most popular blog posts.
    • Products by ID shows the products related to their IDs. 
    • Category shows products based on selected categories. 
    • Abandoned cart products shows the products that shoppers have left in their carts without checking out. You can also add your website’s cart link or any custom page when they click on those products.
    • Discounted products shows the products that are discounted (Priority is given to those related to past purchases).
    • Cross-sells shows the products that are marked as cross-sell (based on previous purchases).
    • Up sells shows the products that are marked as up sell (based on previous purchases).
  • Quantity sets the number of products to display in the product loop (up to 6).
  • Columns defines the number of columns (up to 3).
  • Image, Description, Price show/hide the image, description and price of products.
  • Title, Description, Price, Button sections customize the formatting and appearance of the title, description, price and View Product button. 

Note: Related products are dynamic content, meaning they appear differently for each individual user. Additionally, the content of this element appears as empty for users who have not purchased any products.

Note: If your products don’t have cross-sell or upsell and you choose to display them in the product loop, then Growmatik will display related products instead.

Button element

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - elements - button

Use the Button element to insert a button with a custom link on your pages. The following options are available for further customization of the Button element:

  • The label
  • The label’s font
  • The font size
  • Use bold and italic controls to apply bold or italic style.
  • Use the color pickers 9pNZjCllpHGL9fGB9jej3gMoc9Ak CmTCe XtM1 m5hdkSrz5MhsDPXNKlYItuD10Z8htYRgcJNCJrHob7Zdcm2Lcb6KiBmaGmlBl88801LNQAO4TBLmZYwIyv3cNrSkhLWphv5u to change the text color, background color and border color of the button. These options are customizable for the hover style as well.
  • Click on the link icon A01M8zCmCPhSfwPwkF3Fg6OIjhyvplRAQyYnVu6wX0boQ30WMkKsNipcIYm0ffCrmHRAOHfsYweykjMRN1kK0YPL41c4FA4LCaztRjyCuTg4iLXXv9vjv rYU42Sn1Yso5N47HY8 to add a hyperlink to the button.
  • Use the alignment options anQioyjk362IbWUUzq VoUnsjZWkuKPiFzwDzx2f7GgWYf7syIWxJJs36QXIBLS7Kj8sGC9XhYivsFEHj7c3h GCSCh Ji to align the button left, center or right.

Image element

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - image

Use the Image element to add an image to your pages. 
Click on the Replace Image button to select an image from the media library.

Video element

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - element video

Use the Video element to insert a video from YouTube or Vimeo on your page. Enter the video URL in the text field and click on the Add button to insert the video.

Social element

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - social media

Use the Social element to display social icons on your page.

  • Enter the URL of your social media accounts. 
  • Click on the ifItoxXZdotxUsBk56yI0lYoJn1YRqqgXix2wavGfaIOBxeEC CKD and gWIpGqDgSeWhqwcozIDRXQ7gqNAPY3TOqEsvkGc2HP08wgAp4u5e4SWwI6nX1 KJ1V7KYXBsU7HOQ6JXRfHK6l9FON8 iLCzXTcrOX1Be8XLt0K3u0CDT9GyIzAr1F1ZjLQSA9Am icons to show/hide each network. 

Duplicate the existing element

1. Select the element you want to duplicate and click on the bmXBv3OnHErmN eEAJJIq6ywV6n7dG0j7qfKVNyL8MWk6 k73ZnKWgz9D2e81XaHzQQA7bFcFTXPyb76 ImXPlewybnGHlWikHlC56lX UeMd49CvnIw7q2rMXb6hsgXRHpr48HR icon.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - duplicate an element

2. Once you click on that icon, an exact copy of that element will be made below the first element.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik -

Preview your personalization

Once you’ve finished your website content customization, you can click on the Preview button to check your page.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - preview personalization

Saving your personalization

Once you’re done with your personalization, click on the Save & Exit button, which will take you back to the main page of the Website Personalizer tool where your personalizations are listed.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - saving personalization

Editing/removing/renaming your personalization

From the Website Personalizer tool’s main page, hover your cursor over your personalization’s thumbnail. By clicking on the DabRFYdzmHJNhB96PejJwc185LnD7JmZ8Pv QMTwdy2 pRT PC7wcTiNjOixgPFjLEkS xXPjWmqTckd 06AaSzw1QJWKVRoueflMZFc743T5URUqYqB1V5YZ jTEGkW7NjehgS icon, you will be directed to the content personalizer page to make changes and edits.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - edit persoanlization

In order to rename a personalization, click on the imLtYmKt7DYX dYFfU icon. Then, once in the content personalizer page, enter the new personalization name in the template name field in the upper left section.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - rename personalization

In order to remove a personalization, click on the FlnM0EYl33ovLpJneKwnpczivfsEP uakrVMsUGOVSN1vfjZz8etrvhXXQGYa30vAz4lvh8wUgMcC6c7nM7sZ44pJUD8gAwVZV6Z0FJlXEdXPjiDwAg1gMk icon, then select remove from the drop down menu.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - remove personalization

Automating your personalization

1. From the left sidebar, go to Workshop > Personalizations and find the personalization you want to create a rule for. 

2. Click on the dotted icon 1 icon, then choose Automate and select an audience type.

Website Personalizer - Growmatik - automate personalization

3. Add a condition.

Growmatik Knowledge Base Webpage personalizer personalization tool automate personalization select condition

4. Click on the Create Rule button.

Growmatik Knowledge Base Webpage personalizer personalization tool automate personalization create rule

Note: You can also create a personalization rule with Growmatik automations.

Note: It isn’t possible to create multiple rules with one personalization, as each personalization can only be connected to a single rule.

Locating your personalization in the automation dashboard

By looking at your personalization thumbnails in the Personalizations page, you can find out which ones are attached to an automation rule. Any personalization that has ZoMn9nl6rPIq0Tr242uwLRYmmU RpW3pRnCwBESaIkqLiN6M6VsrWSK1UGBNJcn5lijYUfNVKCn2Pj97Tkqi7CXB55ox w3YIDSDRhGreXu45M7teL6G9rWPgpwLXc5HU04 Q8kX on its thumbnail is linked to an automation rule.

Growmatik Knowledge Base Webpage personalizer personalization tool automate personalization in use personalization

To locate a personalization that is assigned to a rule in the Automations page: 

1. Go to Workshop > Personalizations on the left sidebar and hover over the personalization you want to locate. Click on the hj DoHgY2M6rHn52g4OdD11vxBPPSU9KhGiFE7sLfNHUz4JwTSzqr3iPh4EGYA66St1EzFw3CvQGLsGcGMcY guBWqwlfzk2PLIhfgeEo5dqj0Di0gnHL12fwH1 DHaz 5sYlYBz icon and select Locate in Automations from the menu. 

Growmatik Knowledge Base Webpage personalizer personalization tool automate personalization locate persoanlization in automation page

2. You’ll be taken to the Automations page, where the rule associated with your personalization is highlighted.

Growmatik Knowledge Base Webpage personalizer personalization tool automate personalization highlight persoanlization in automation page
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