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What we shipped: new Automation page, new Reports page, 2 new actions, EU and marketing emails consent, WP Fusion Lite integration and more

It’s time once again to let you know about new features we’ve released this month. We worked hard over the last three months to bring you some exciting new features that will be a huge improvement in the capability and user experience of our products. In this post we will quickly provide an overview of what we shipped between March and June 2021, including: 

  • New Report page (now called Analytics) where you can get much more insightful analytics about critical metrics related to website engagement, sales, customers, emails and more.
  • New automation dashboard that makes it possible to create much more complex automations with chained conditions and actions.
  • EU and marketing emails consent controls to use in your sign up forms, checkout forms and popups
  • Two new automation actions (archive users and unsub from email)
  • WP Fusion Lite integration
    and more.

Let’s dive into the details!

Meet the new Automations page

Our primary goal with Growmatik has always been achieving personalization at scale with cross-channel marketing. As Growmatik evolves, we are constantly looking for ways to strengthen and perfect the Automation dashboard as the cornerstone of our product.

The latest round of improvements to our Automations dashboard showcases huge improvements, making the automation creation process simpler and more efficient and allowing you to create sophisticated automations as well as providing in-depth analytical info about your automations rules.The latest round of improvements to our Automations dashboard showcases huge improvements, making the automation creation process simpler and more efficient and allowing you to create sophisticated automations as well as providing in-depth analytical info about your automations rules.

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Create automations with multiple conditions and actions

You are now able to add multiple conditions and actions to your automation rules. This means you can create much more complicated automations for different marketing purposes. For instance, you can create a workflow consisting of different marketing activities for different segments.

When someone signs up for your site and becomes a lead, you may want to run a specific chain of actions to properly coax them towards conversion. For example, these actions may include sending them a welcome email + personalizing your homepage for them + showing a discount popup on various product pages.


Another example is when you want to target a group of people who have a chain of attributes in common, such as new visitors who visit your site on a specific date + from Germany + referred by Facebook:


More advanced automation performance report

The performance report for every automation rule is now more advanced and organized in two sections. This was added to make sure you get an in-depth performance overview both in general and on individual levels:

  • All-inclusive report for all actions
    This shows metrics with regards to all of the actions within a rule. For example, total users served and total generated revenue for a rule with 3 actions (‘send email 1’ + ‘send email 2’ + ‘personalize homepage’)
  • Individual reports for every comprising action
    This shows metrics related to every individual action. In the above example, you would get individual reports for ‘send email 1’ and ‘send email 2’ including Total email send, click rate, open rate, generated revenue, and unsub count for each action. You will also get metrics for ‘personalize homepage’ actions such as impressions.

You can now also look through the performance of an action within a specific timeframe. This could be helpful for comparing the performance of an automation rule in the weeks since it began operating, for example.


Rename/duplicate/archive automation rules

You can now Rename automation rules. This makes it possible to name the rules based on your preference and the naming conventions you follow instead of using default titles.


You can also use the new Duplicate option for every automation rule to quickly duplicate rules instead of recreating them from scratch to help you save time.


And, finally, you can now Archive automation rules that you no longer need or want, temporarily removing them from the automation page in order to tidy up your automations view in every column.


Sorting and viewing options for automations

When the number of your automation rules grows, your automation dashboard may look crowded and hard to manage. Some view and sorting options might be very handy here! You can now sort your automation rules based on:

  • Creation date 
  • Last modification date

You can also view/hide rules based on:

  • All rules
  • Live rules
  • Published rules

Meet the new Analytics page (formerly Reports)

Based on the feedback we received over the past months, we revised the Growmatik Reports page to give you a more enriched, holistic and organized view of your website and marketing performance. We renamed this page “Analytics” and it provides insights into your brand, including new metrics such as website engagement, sales and customers, as well as email campaign engagement and performance.

Let’s dive into the new Analytics page and see what new reports it offers.

Site engagement

The Site Engagement tab now provides general website performance statistics in a more organized way, plus the following metrics:

  • Sessions: number of visits in a specific timeframe
  • Users: number of unique visits made by registered users in a selected time frame
  • Page views: total number of page views of your site
  • Bounce rate: the percentage of visitors who leave your website without exploring it any further

Furthermore, by clicking on the “More details” button on the upper right hand of the Site Engagement report tab you also have access to more detailed metrics about the sources that contributed traffic to your website:

  • Pages: How visitors engaged with pages on your website (page views, bounce rate, average time spent,…)
  • Refers: Sources that refer the most traffic to your website
  • UTMs: Specific UTMs that refer segments of traffic to your website (number of sign ups, sales and sessions made through a specific UTM)
  • Countries: Countries your visitors are located in
  • Search terms: Number of impressions and clicks on any URLs on your website that appear in search results


The Sales section focuses on general sales and specific product sales happening on your website in the selected time period. Here are the metrics and charts you will get:

  • Orders: Sum of all orders (transactions) made in a specific time frame
  • Revenue: The generated revenue (including shipping and taxes and discounts) based on all transactions in this time frame
  • Conversion rate: The number of orders placed divided by all sessions during this period
  • Average order value: Total revenue divided by the total number of orders
  • Order frequency: The number of times a customer made an order in that time period
  • Repeated customer purchase: Number of purchases by repeated customers in this period

Also, by clicking on the “Product analytics” button on the upper right hand of the Sales tab, you will get a detailed report on the revenue generated by each product in your store and the quantity sold.



Through the Customers report table you are able to track the growth rate for different critical customer types including new leads, returning leads, new customers and returning customers separately in a selected timeframe. Let’s clarify the details a bit:

  • New leads: The sum of all leads registered in this timeframe
  • Returning leads: The sum of all leads who made a visit before and have come back again in this period
  • New customers: The sum of all customers registered in this timeframe
  • Returning customers: The sum of all customers who made a purchase before and have come back and purchased again in this period

Email engagement

And, finally, through the Email Engagement report table you are now able to measure how your email campaigns are performing. Knowing how your customers are interacting with your emails through the following metrics will help you better optimize your email campaigns in the future:

  • Click rate: The number of times your recipients have clicked on a link in Growmatik emails divided by the total number of delivered emails in a specific time period
  • Open rate: The number of times your recipients opened Growmatik emails divided by all delivered emails in this period
  • Bounce rate: The number of bounced emails divided by all delivered emails in this period
  • Unsubscribe rate: The number of people who unsubscribed from your email list divided by all subscribers in this period
  • Total sends: The sum of all emails sent by Growmatik in this period

It’s important to note that you can also view the relevant chart for all of the metrics in all analytics sections by clicking on that metric. The generated chart is comparative and shows how the metric performed in comparison to the previous time segment based on the selected time frame. The increase/decline indicators next to each metric also show growth in numerical percentage.


The comparative presentation will come handy when trying to understand how your website and marketing activity are doing over different time segments. For example, you can compare the sales metrics before and after a marketing campaign was carried out.

The GDPR, also known as the General Data Protection Regulation, is a law implemented in the European Union that requires companies to secure personal data and respect the privacy rights of those who are using a product in EU member states. These rules must be followed if your website collects personal information (to find more about GDPR principles, read the article here).

As the Growmatik app collects user data, we made it possible to now show and manage your terms and conditions agreement when gathering user data. To include a marketing email consent statement, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and select Settings and then Growmatik from the left sidebar. Here you can define your statement and choose where to show it:

  • In the WordPress native signup form
  • In the WooCommerce signup form
  • On the WooCommerce Checkout page
  • On the Easy Digital Downloads Checkout page

You can also use {{sitename}} as a dynamic keyword in your statement. Activating these boxes allows you to easily ask for consent whenever you want.

EU consent and marketing email consent are also available in Growmatik popups and any other integrated form. In the Popup builder, after you have inserted a form element, click on the gear icon on the top right corner to see the available options. After you mark these two options, an input box will be enabled for each of them where you can add your terms statement. You can also mark them as required by toggling the related front buttons.


Consent data will be stored in Growmatik servers. That gives you the option to filter your audience via the Growmatik People page and create segments for those who have accepted or denied your terms or whose status is unknown (the status of anyone who has not seen your terms agreement request is considered unknown).

In the People section, select your leads or customers and click on the +Add filter. Then, select Subscription and choose EU consent or Marketing email consent as a filter.


We have covered how GDPR and marketing automation go along and how Growmatik complies with GDPR in a separate blog post.

Discover two new actions: Archive User and Unsubscribe from emails!

There are two new applicable actions you can use in automations for your leads and customers. You can set both actions for all of the current conditions. Let’s take a closer look to get acquainted with their use.

1. Archive User

As its name suggests, this action will archive the users who meet the conditions you set. Growmatik ignores and hides archived users from the People page and also never executes a rule for them. This will help you manage and enhance your control over registered users on your website. For example, you can use this action to archive users from a specific location or those who have been tagged as inactive.


2. Unsubscribe from emails

This action will simply unsubscribe anyone who has subscribed to your emails. Those users will no longer receive your emails to his/her inbox if the conditions you’ve set match the users. This may be useful for unsubscribing specific groups of users, such as those who have not opened 5 email campaigns in a row. You can do this by using the related filtering in the People section and creating a segment such as Inactive Email Recipient. You can then use this segment as the condition in your automation.

Navigate to the Growmatik Automation page, add a custom rule, define your desired condition(s) and set Unsubscribe from emails as the action. The last step is to activate the rule to see the results.


WP Fusion Lite integration

Recently, we introduced WP Fusion Premium integration and explained how it can help connect Growmatik to almost every plugin that supports WP Fusion in this previous blog post. Growmatik is now compatible with the Lite version, which is useful for anyone who uses the free version of WP Fusion.


What’s next

This article summed up a big portion of the work we have done over the past 3 months! However, our team has been working on more complicated features for many months that we cannot wait to see finished and ready to release. Here’s a sneak peek of two of those features:

Time’s ticking for integration with new platforms!

Pretty soon you will be able to connect Growmatik with non-WordPress websites. Our team has been working hard for months to make it possible to make use of Growmatik in websites such as Shopify, Magento or even custom developed websites. This has been the most challenging feature of Growmatik developed since its inception, but we are sure it will be completely worth the effort as it will open the way for brand new communities to create cross-channel automations for their websites. Stay tuned!

More integrations

Next up, expect even more integration with other marketing channels and tools. The closest on the radar are Facebook and Hubspot. With these new features you will be able to sync your contacts and segments with Hubspot audiences and create automations for them seamlessly using Growmatik. You will also be able to sync Growmatik segments with Facebook audiences to serve them different kinds of ads on Facebook. Imagine serving follow-up retargeting ads on Facebook to your cart abandoners, warm leads or inactive users without dealing with Facebook’s complicated audience dashboard!

In the meantime, we’d like to invite you to try out new features mentioned above and let us know what you think. As usual, we’d like to remind you that your feedback is the most valuable asset helping us to fuel Grammatik and its wild ambitions and make digital marketing an enjoyable experience for everyone!

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